
The reason that "Save My daddy's Heart" was started.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Bruce has an appointment in late July at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.... the hospital/doctors/clinic is all paid for... we need help in getting him there....

So we are looking for any help that we can get... You can donate by clicking the donate button it will take you to

If at ANY TIME he is unable to make it there all money will be used for medication for him OR donated to the American Heart Assoication in order to help others....


Mayo Clinic is a world leader in developing innovative ways to diagnose and treat heart failure. Each year, Mayo specialists evaluate and treat hundreds of patients who have congestive heart failure. Mayo's expertise in heart failure offers hope of prolonged life and improved quality of life to patients, many of whom may have found limited options elsewhere.

Patients have access to heart failure clinics at each Mayo Clinic location. Cardiologists and nurses in these clinics have special training in heart failure, and are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of common and rare forms of the disease. The Advanced Heart Failure Clinic at Mayo Clinic's Rochester campus is one of the few facilities in the world devoted specifically to treatment of advanced heart failure.

The clinics bring together experts in areas such as heart rhythm (electrophysiology), transplantation surgery, exercise physiology, and sleep disorders. Mayo is a world leader in the link between sleep disorders and heart failure. The clinics use the latest technology, including the ventricular assist device (VAD). Clinic staff collaborate to offer patients comprehensive and coordinated care, from diagnosis to treatment to follow-up.

As a major heart failure research center, Mayo Clinic focuses on the detection and diagnosis of heart failure in its earliest stages. Mayo's active clinical research program offers some patients the opportunity to participate in experimental therapies not available elsewhere.

Mayo physicians use state-of-the-art technology to diagnose heart failure. Specialized diagnostic areas include nuclear cardiology, electrophysiology, echocardiography and cardiac catheterization. Read more about congestive heart failure diagnosis.

Treatment Options
Although in most cases damage to heart function cannot be reversed, treatments can significantly improve symptoms and help a weakened heart work as efficiently as possible. Some cases of heart failure can be treated by correcting the underlying cause, such as controlling a fast heart rhythm. Treatments that may include lifestyle changes, medications, transcatheter interventions, medical devices and surgery can often increase life expectancy and quality of life. Read more about congestive heart failure treatment options.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Things are on the way up :) Here is the up date on candy sales

easy fundraisers

by EFI

Your Source For Fundraiser Products

Update Fundraiser Thermometer Here

Here is the update on cash donations

easy fundraisers

by EFI

Your Source For Fundraiser Products

Update Fundraiser Thermometer Here

Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26th 2010

I wanted to thank everyone that had donated to help out Bruce. I wont mention names here but you know who you are :) We still have a long way to go no amount to small or large, its all about the thought that some people care enough to help me out.

I called today to make him a appointment at the Jewish Heart Transplant Center. Bruce goes to see them for a 3-hours of testing on May 5th 2010. He cant wait to see if they can give im some relief. I am more nervous than he is at this point. I guess cause i have always been the one to 'fix' things and this is something that i can NOT fix BUT i can do what i can to help him out as much as i can.

That is y im tryin so so hard to raise money for him to get an electric scooter so that he can get around. You know the ones that you see at the local grocery store. He cant even walk from the bedroom to the bathroom without having to sit down to catch his breath. He is learning his limits and he dont like it at all. I dont either, but like i told him he has to learn to like them its the only way for him to live as long as he can :)

Tameryn is excited about everything going on. She is a HUGE help to me thinking of ideas to help out. She is a great kid with a HUGE heart in wanting to help. When Bruce isnt feeling well she dont want to go to school or outside to play with her friends. Bruce will tell her to go to school have a great day and to education someone on heart disease :) and when she comes home she cant veggie out on the couch with him. She does as she is told :) She is going to start to sell save my daddys heart key chains in a few days. The price will me announced later. I think they will be about 3 or 4 dollars. This was her idea and her project.

Please help if you can :)

Starting May 14th we will be selling candles in you are interested get with me. You can email me at for more information. I will also provide shipping to friends and family from out of state that wants to order any as well.

To help out you can go here

Here is the World's Finest Chocolate information as of 4/26/2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

April 23rd 2010

As most of you all know, Bruce has been home just under a month. Things are still hard for him since he isnt allowed to do ANYTHING! well he can sit and fold laundry NO blankets tho. and Guess what HE HATES TO FOLD CLOTHES hahaha any who.

Yesterday the 22nd, i ended up calling his doctor cause he was having a hard time breathing. I rather take him in and be told that its nothing then to sit at home an have something serious happen to him. Well they did an EKG and there was no change since he was discharged on the 29th of March. Bruce was told they he is being send to Jewish Hospital here in Louisville, to see if he qualifies for a any heart transplant studies that they have that would help him. This hit him like a ton of bricks. He has 2 little girls (8 and 3) that need him and want him around for a long time. My two boys that he as raised since 2001 when we met, they are now 19 and 17. They need him as well!!!

Bruce has NO insurance at all, he doesnt qualify for any state insurance either the reason we are giving MARRIED. Even if we was to get a divorce he would lose in the end since they would hit him up for child support and that would hurt him as well. So together we will work through this together.

We are asking people that want to help out with the cost of his medication, doctor visits, hospital bills that are piling up on my desk. This would help him out so so much. I cant leave him at home alone or with the younger kids. If you would like to help here is how you can. Walmart gift cards, i can use then to get his medication. For that matter just about any gift card will work, since i can transfer them to get them filled. I have set up a paypal just for his medical you can send here. Any amount would help greatly.

Pass this on to anyone that might be interested. I hate to ask, i do have pride! BUT when you have no other way i will swallow it and ask for help!! and this is the time to ask :) no amount is to small, just help me get Bruce the medication and the help that he DESERVES!!! i cant do it alone and i have since 2007.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 25, 2010

Bruce is starting to feel better, just a tad, but its in the right direction :) HE sends his love to all his family and friends. He said last night he will b glad when he can go home so that he can get some rest. And not get work up at 4am for blood work and vital signs. He is starting to get aggravated with the nurses cause he wants to get up and sit in a chair and he isnt allowed to do so. THis morning his blood sugar was 146, temp 96.5, BP 102/75, heart rate between 75-90 as long as he lays still. The dont want it over a 95. So when he goes home he is to do NOTHING! watch TV and chill out. I know that is going to be so so hard for him cause he is just an active person. It hurts him when he wasnt to go do something and he cant. I have told him that we will make it we will make it as ONE... When family and friends work together to keep one person here then you know that you have a GREAT support system. I dont want him to freak out about anything. I will not allow ANYONE to stress him out... I will NOT allow anyone to run over him either. Its my job to comfort him as well as protect him from thing that could be harmful to him. And that is what i will do.

I know that in 40 days he will be looking to get a bi ventricular pacemaker put in. I have hear about it and everything that i have read was good. I want him to be able to see his kids all graduate, go to college, get married and have kids of their own. He can do all of that, just up to how strong of a will power he has.

Since no one is promised tomorrow, live today as if its your last. Enjoy today, give your kids a hug and a smile. Life is to short to deal with the small shit.

Im staying here most of the day, i need to save what gas i do have left to get him home. I get torn between being here with Bruce and being home with the little ones. Even tho i know that the older kids are taking care of them. Cause Tameryn will tell on them LOL

I will update more this afternoon

March 24, 2010 7:30am

Today is Tameryn 8th birthday, she is so happy to be 8, but sad that she cant share it with her daddy.... Bruce did get to talk to her for a few minutes on the phone, wished her a happy birthday and told her that he loved her and he was proud that she KNEW what to do...

Bruce had a good night, i was here at the hospital all night. I stayed here so that can try to catch dr. Licandro this morning... as soon as i find out the game plan from him imma take it from there. I need to go home and cook something for my kids. I know that DJ & Nick both know how to cook just that i dont want them to think that i am taking advantage of them. THey are still kids at heart, but are helping me so so much with the girls.

I know that Dan will be here when he gets off work, we work in shifts so that they dont upset Bruce to much. He doesnt need ANY stress at all. So that is what we do :) We are his protectrs and body guards.

FRom my understanding they are going to take him back to the cath lab to remove the balloon pump...

So far the medication that he will be going home on are:
Plavix FOR LIFE!!!

They are not sure what other medications just as of yet. I know that he will b on 2 that will help his heart pump the blood, but i dont know the name of them.

He is feeling better no chest pain during the night, just pain in his knee, which they are giving him pain medication for.

I will update as soon as i hear from the doctors :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 23, 2010

Well today they got the results about the acho gram, and it shows that he has 15% function of his heart and that in 40 days they are going to do surgery and place a pacemaker in. THey have to wait 40 days so that they
can see if the echo has changed. When he was here in the hospital in 11/2009 the echo showed 35% function.

They are hoping to take the balloon out tomorrow since that he hasnt had any chest pain all day. and a new medication was started. the balloon is only a temporty thing.

I am here tonight so that i can talk with the doctor in the morning. I have been reading all that i can.
I have to get back with Bruce i will add more at about 11pm EST....

March 22, 2010

Well today is about the same was yesterday. There hasnt been much change at all. We have a LONG way to go.

We was told that he will NEVER BE ABLE TO WORK!!!

Bruce's heart is only working at 15% on its own. THey have placed balloons inside his arteries, to help him heart pump the blood to and from his heart. After a heart attach this isnt uncommon, it gives the doctors time to see if the heart is strong enough to recover.

He had 2 of his sisters here today from Radcliff. Anderia and Jackie, that really helped him understand and see that he doesnt have to be alone in all of this. Even tho he has family in 3 different states than him, they are all pulling for him. That is what family is for.

He is going to really need everyone now. Even if its a funny post card that you ran across, a phone call to say YEA! anything....

I cant do this alone, i have to be strong for him, but when stress is a factor its hard on everyone involved.

When i first met bruce i was just a person. I could have careless about family. NOW he has taught me that family is everything.... that im not just a person i am HUMAN, that i CAN stand strong and that im a go getter' I work hard to make sure that Bruce has all his medication that he needs, but when you have to sit and debate, a must have bill, like rent, electric, water or food... or do i get his medication. its hard we do without of a LOT of things... and we shouldnt have too.... when i get Bruce his medication something in our house gets turned off... and i dont hear the end of it from BRuce... when i pay the bill so that we can have lights, then i hear it from Bruce... so i get stuck... do we eat this week or does BRuce get his medication. No one should have to go thought what i am going through now. I sit here at the hospital 90% of the time... and wonder when i graduate college in a few months will i make a difference. i hope that i will, within my own family. Bruce is my support system with going to school :) its nice to know that he is thinking of US, when he needs to think about HIMSELF. I dont tell him everything, i dont share a lot of things with him that are in the bill department. I know how he is.. he will stress to a point where he will go out and hustle so that we can have... and then he will deal with the consequences later.

March 21, 2010

I was on my day to get Nicks at his brother apartment. I wasnt there 10 minutes when i got the phone call from my neighbor, that Bruce had a heart attack. Tameryn the 7 year old knew EXACTLY what we have taught her since her daddy has a bad heart. That she is to RUN to Mz Z's house and have her call 911. That is what she did. Ms Z called for an ambulance, kept him alert and talking. While Tameryn was watching her baby sister (AirEka).

I was on my way back with the other 1/2 of my kids. I called my parents, i didnt want bruce to b at the hospital alone. The boys call all their close friends and some of them met us there along with Bruce's best friend. Dan.... it nice to know that Bruce has so so many people that care.

He was taking to the ER, where he was then transported to the heart cath lab. Where 3 more stents where deployed into his heart. The doctor didnt see any other blockages, the other stints that Bruce has are on the right side, this was on the left side. he isnt out of the woods just yeat. He has a long way to go and may never recover completely.